Die Internationale Kommission zum Schutz vor nicht-ionisierender Strahlung: Interessenkonflikte, „Corporate Capture“ & der Vorstoß zum Ausbau des 5G-Netzes

Michèle Rivasi & Klaus Buchner Die weltweite Diskussion über die biologischen Wirkungen von Funkstrahlung wird von einer kleinen, aber international bestens vernetzten Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern beherrscht. Zentral: der private Verein ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) mit Sitz im Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz in Neuherberg bei München. Wer sind seine Mitglieder? Sind sie [...]


Health Implications of Long‐term Exposure to Elektrosmog

Karl Hecht The review findings by Karl Hecht ‐ which disappeared into the government archives as soon as they had been submitted and which we are now making available to the public in this brochure in its most comprehensive form to date ‐ are based on the assessment of 878 Russian studies between [...]


Bees, Birds and Mankind

Destroying Nature by `Electrosmog´ Ulrich Warnke The bio-scientist Ulrich Warnke is more familiar with nature’s electromagnetic housekeeping than most. In this paper, he shows how wise and sensitive nature was about using electrical and magnetic fields in the creation of life […] DOWNLOAD PDF FOR FREE


How Susceptible Are Genes to Mobile Phone Radiation?

State of the Research – Endorsements of Safety and Controversies – Self-Help Recommendations With Articles by Franz Adlkofer, Igor Y. Belyaev, Karl Richter, Vladislav M. Shiroff Since wireless technologies of mobile phones and other communication networks have become big business, we also find conflicting tendencies side by side. Our living environment is being [...]


Radiation Protection in Conflict with Science

A Documentation Franz Adlkofer and Karl Richter The German Council of Science and Humanities Report on the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) from 2006 states that the appointment policy of this agency contradicts its founding mandate as the majority of the staff is composed of officials and employees without sufficient scientific background. [...]

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