Report on the conference
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Selected lectures
Prof. Dr. Martin Pall
– EMF Health Effects. All About 5G
– EMF Health Effects. All About 5G
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Prof. Dr. med. Wilhelm Mosgöller –
Mechanisms of the biological effect unknown?
Mechanisms of the biological effect unknown?
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Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht – With regard to biological effects, is the distinction between „ionizing“ and „nonionizing“ radiation still justified?
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Dr. Devra Davis – Diagnosis and Treatment: Effects of Electromagnetic Frequency Exposure
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Prof. Dr. med. Michael Kundi – Risks in childhood and adolescence – an overview
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Prof. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt – Does the digital revolution rob our children of their future?
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Peter Hensinger M.A. –
Wi-fi in schools?
Wi-fi in schools?
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Prof. Dr. med. Lennart Hardell – Radiofrequency radiation is associated with increased cancer risk
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Prof. Dr. med. Dominique Belpomme – EHS and MCS as two aspects of a unique pathological disorder
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Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli – Biological effects on cultured cells of GSM, mast-cells, Wi-Fi, radar and NRTF radiation
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Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski – Wireless Communication Technology and Health: From 1G to 5G and beyond. What we know. What we do not know. What we should know.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Kühling – How to deal with the current state of scientific knowledge?
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Richter a.D. Bernd I. Budzinski – The suspension of fundamental and protective rights
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Dr. med. Marc Arazi – Alert Phonegate: a global public health issue for mobile phone users
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Dr. med. Petra Wiechel (Swiss Mountain Clinic) – Extract from the doctors’ workshop
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Klaus Scheidsteger –
His filmic work in mobile radio
His filmic work in mobile radio
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Biological effects of wireless technology
04.- 06.10.2019 – International Public Symposium
Cell Phones, Smartphones, Tablets, Smart Home, Smart City, Internet of Things… The digital transformation of our society is expected to continue with the new 5G standard, largely through mobile and wireless communication. As a result, radiation exposure due to mobile and wireless communication technologies, their infrastructure and applications will increase enormously.
What health risks are involved? What are the possible consequences for particular groups at risk, especially children and adolescents?
The Board’s team of the Competence Initiative for the Protection of Humanity, the Environment and Democracy e.V. is very pleased to invite you in the name of all members, supporters and partners to Mainz. No matter who you are – an expert on 5G or other wireless communication issues, or a person interested in the implications of wireless technologies on health and the environment – we are very much looking forward to welcoming you to our conference in Mainz.
The conference will provide easy-to-understand overviews of the “biological effects” of mobile and wireless communication technologies as well as in-depth discussions that will be as accessible to nonexperts as possible. Internationally renowned speakers will share firsthand information and recommendations in lectures, workshops, documentary films and panel discussions, inviting everybody to join the discussion.
We welcome you warmly
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Mario Babilon • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Buchner • Dr. phil. Peter Ludwig (geschäftsführend) • Prof. Dr. phil. Karl Richter • Barbara Dohmen, Umweltärztin • Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Gertenbach • Dr. med. Monika Krout • Dr. med. Joachim Mutter • Klaus Scheidsteger • Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Warnke
Program & Speakers
The conference is designed for research scientists and health care professionals as well as interested citizens. Furthermore, it is meant to be an information platform to support politicians, organizations, the media and other community groups. The conference also wishes to promote the international dialogue between science and society in the face of social and technological challenges that concern us all.
All presentations and discussions will be simultaneously translated into English or German, respectively. The Electoral Palace of Mainz, the conference venue, will be kept free of Wi-Fi.
We are very pleased that other well-known colleagues are coming to Mainz to enrich our program:
The Duo Moving Sounds, Tara Bouman and Markus Stockhausen, will perform at the International Public Session Mainz, Saturday, October 5, 2019, 19:00, Electoral Palace.
The clarinet virtuoso Tara Bouman and the exceptional trumpet player and musical commuter Markus Stockhausen have been playing together since 2002 as a duo MOVING SOUNDS. The repertoire includes compositions by both artists, as well as improvisations and above all intuitive music.

Partners of the event
Sponsored by
Stiftung für Kinder
The Stiftung für Kinder was established as a nonprofit foundation of civil law in Freiburg im Breisgau in 1986.

The goal of the foundation is to help eliminate causes of suffering, overcome unjust structures in supportive cooperation with project partners and empower individuals so that they can improve their situation on their own.
The foundation is committed in particular to improving the living conditions of children and adolescents in Germany as well as in selected countries of the so-called Third World.
Key project areas over the last years:
- Philippines: supporting various projects, including a recent daycare center project in Pagadian City on Mindanao Island;
- Germany: supporting the children’s area in the Alte Feuerwache e.V., a community center in Cologne;
- wireless communication technologies: supporting initiatives and public campaigns, raising awareness about the hazards and risks of wireless communication technologies, especially with regard to children.
Sponsored by
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Foundation Basel

The Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Foundation was founded on 19 December 1968 by the Hamburg businessman and farmer dr. H. c. Alfred Toepfer (1894 – 1993) was founded as a charitable foundation with headquarters in Basel. With this foundation, the founder wanted to express his social, environmental and cultural interests. In particular, the Foundation should act through contributions, prizes, scholarships, publications or entertainment of special facilities in the service of German-French friendship and European unity – including in the interest of the “Regio Basilensis”.
Since 2005, the Foundation has focused exclusively on the free organization of events, seminars and colloquia in its own property in the Alsatian village of Klingenthal (France). It continues to devote itself to the different cultural areas in Europe and thus wants to promote the feeling of belonging to all Europeans.
In cooperation with
Catering on site
The philosophy of CaterKati is gourmet. healthy. enjoyment of the highest quality.
We know that health and performance depend, among other things, on our diet. We are therefore becoming more and more conscious in our choice of food. The philosophy of CaterKati is full-flavoured and organic food with full enjoyment.

All ingredients from the offer of the “International Public Symposium” in the Electoral Palace in Mainz are from controlled organic cultivation and fully colorfully composed (awarded with the EC Organic Seal DE-ÖKO-037).
• 100% organic food with high-quality organic seal (Demeter, BioLand)
• Meat from regional organic butchers
• Seasonal and regional shopping
• No flavour enhancers, flavourings or other artificial additives are used.
• Sweetening is only done with ripe fruit or honey.
• No use of white or grey flour.
• No use of bags, powder or finished products
• Consideration of all forms of nutrition and allergies
We wish you enjoyable health and an interesting, successful conference!
Note on low-radiation accommodations
Dear participants,
We would like to support you in the search for low-radiation accommodation for the duration of the symposium, but unfortunately we can not arrange accommodation for you directly for reasons of capacity.
Therefore, we list below a few low-radiation accommodations that you are welcome to contact (without any claim to completeness).
Should you find further WLAN-free and low-radiation accommodations in your own search, which still have free capacities in the period of the symposium, we would be pleased, if you send them to us via our contact form, so that we further participants this information afterwards can also pass on our website.
Thank you very much!
Haus Maria Frieden
Sumi Krupp und Ehefrau Lalasa Lezius
Krähenweg 4 A
65199 Wiesbaden
Kloster Tiefenthal
Bildungs- und Exerzitienhaus
Schlangenbader Str. 22
65344 Eltville-Martinsthal