Friday, 14th October
Saturday, 15th October
Sunday, 16th October
14 – 16 October 2022 International Conference at the Goethe Museum Düsseldorf
We live at a time of profound upheaval. We observe that particularly technological changes in our living environment are accelerating at a pace that balanced collective reflection processes in our society can hardly keep up with. This holds especially true for the rapid growth of the digital transformation and the ever more frequently deployed 5G / wireless communication technologies.
These developments, of course, can provide individual advantages, benefits, and conveniences. There are increasingly signs though that they can have a major adverse impact on our health and the environment, which is rarely or not at all a topic of public discourse.
With that in mind, we thank the Goethe Museum Düsseldorf for the opportunity to discuss risks and perspectives of current wireless communication technologies including 5G. We invite you to join the conversation on progress toward technologies that are compatible with human health and the environment.
A warm welcome to all!
Kompetenzinitiative e.V. Management Team

European Spirit
In view of increasing radiation exposure, there have been valuable impulses for improved health and environmental protection at European level for several years.
For example:
Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe
the current STOA-Study
The current Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee
European politicians are guests at Goethe Museum: Klaus Buchner, Michèle Rivasi, Jean Huss, Dumitru Fornea.
Basic research that affects all our lives directly: Pioneering study ATHEM 3
Hardly any other area of science is as controversial as research on 5G / mobile communications. Is the technology in its current form really compatible with health and the environment?
The new pioneering study ATHEM 3 (Athermal Effects of Electromagnetic Field Exposure Associated with Mobile Communications) will be presented to the public for the first time, blazing its own trail, a trail that is probably unique worldwide.
The team of researchers will report.

Program & Speakers
The conference program provides an overview of the current state of the 5G / wireless communication technologies debate from various perspectives.
An introduction to the recently finished, pioneering international study ATHEM 3 is followed by presentations in the areas of “Humanity and the Environment” as well as “Challenges in Science Policy and Society.” The conference will conclude with a panel discussion on “Perspectives” with representatives from politics and public life. The three-day event will provide plenty of space for conversations and meetings. An engaging cultural program by the Goethe Museum accompanies the conference. The conference will be livestreamed online. We welcome all participants to join the conversation on progress toward technologies that are compatible with human health and the environment.
Partners of the event
Partners of the event
Goethe Museum Düsseldorf
The Goethe Museum Düsseldorf is one of the three large Goethe archives and research facilities, hosting the largest – about 50,000 objects – private Goethe collection in the world. The institution consists of the museum, archive, research library, art collection, and a venue for cultural events.

Goethe Museum Düsseldorf is short for Goethe Museum Düsseldorf/Anton and Katharina Kippenberg Foundation. The Goethe Museum Düsseldorf was founded in 1953 by two heiresses of Professor Anton Kippenberg, the former publisher of the Insel Publishing House.
The cultural-historical museum displays the permanent exhibition “Goethe and His Time,” featuring original manuscripts, books, paintings, drawings, busts, and arts and crafts, in an architecturally outstanding building from the 18th century. Schloss Jägerhof was built on behalf of Elector Palatine Charles Theodore.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Foundation Basel

The Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Foundation was founded on 19 December 1968 by the Hamburg businessman and farmer dr. H. c. Alfred Toepfer (1894 – 1993) was founded as a charitable foundation with headquarters in Basel. With this foundation, the founder wanted to express his social, environmental and cultural interests. In particular, the Foundation should act through contributions, prizes, scholarships, publications or entertainment of special facilities in the service of German-French friendship and European unity – including in the interest of the “Regio Basilensis”.
Since 2005, the Foundation has focused exclusively on the free organization of events, seminars and colloquia in its own property in the Alsatian village of Klingenthal (France). It continues to devote itself to the different cultural areas in Europe and thus wants to promote the feeling of belonging to all Europeans.

For Safe Wireless Technologies and the Protection against Electrosmog. The goal of diagnose:funk is to inform the public about the harmful effects on human health and the environment by electromagnetic fields, for example, from cell phones, smartphones, cell antennas, Wi-Fi, DECT and other sources of electrosmog as well as to raise awareness about the psychosocial impact of digital media. This will help users and politicians change their behavior and promote the implementation of solutions for sustainable and environmentally responsible technologies.
GGB e.V.
The nonprofit association Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsberatung GGB e. V. with its focus on holistic health education has been operating since 1978.

It was founded by the physician and nutrition pioneer Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker (1909 – 2001). Health topics from the areas of medicine, nutrition, the environment and life coaching are particularly close to our heart. We are politically and religiously neutral and do not receive any financial support from the government or lobbyists, but we finance our work exclusively through seminar and membership fees as well as donations.
Verband Baubiologie e.V.
The members of the Building Biology Association e.V. are committed to promoting environmental and public health.

To this end, we offer building biology-based consulting, planning, investigating, measuring and assessing services for construction, renovation and remediation projects. Assessments and analyses of buildings, apartments, properties, furnishings and materials are carried out according to the latest Standard of Building Biology Testing Methods (SBM). The expressed goal is to detect health-related risk factors and to develop healthy solutions.
Building biology professionals in the Building Biology Association e.V. base their work on the principles of natural sciences and the insights of their own empirical knowledge.
Allianz Eliant
The European Alliance of Initiatives for Applied Anthroposopy/ELIANT as a campaigning organisation promoting more quality of life, cultural diversity and availability of choice in Europe. Our working motto comes from the «Fairy Tale» by Goethe:

«One alone does not help, but rather he who unites with others at the right time» Human dignity and individual development are key values in European culture. For them to be realized in terms of policy the civil society of Europe and hence each citizen, needs more than a democratically guaranteed freedom of choice. But the choices must also be made available to choose from. These are disappearing as increasing bureaucracy takes hold – especially in the fields of education, health and the various forms of therapy as well as in agriculture. What may be recognised in one country often cannot be sold across the EU or else disappears due to new market rules. This even applies to some of the cultural initiatives arising from the applied anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner which have existed since the twenties of the 20th century.

Lothar Moll founded the first specialist building trade in 1979. From this, different companies developed in the areas of innovative and intelligent building products for constructions with high energy efficiency and construction safety for a large building damage-free potential, in the areas of the implementation of low-emission building technology for better living health, in the areas of irrigation in the earth at the roots from recycled car tyre raw materials for reduction of water consumption and for higher crop yields, among others in Africa.
In the company Sycoma GmbH, Lothar Moll is currently developing shielding materials against EMF, which are to be launched on the market in 2023.
Lothar Moll supports the Competence Initiative and other organisations for the protection of life and for a natural development of life. According to the 2nd sacred Indian law “Nothing shall be done to harm the children”, the welfare of children is very close to his heart.
With over 20 years of experience in research and development, production and distribution, sycoma today offers high-performance system solutions for the building products and insulation industry, for window manufacturers and the building materials trade as well as for the automotive sector in over 30 countries worldwide.
Durable, reliable function, holistic solution, optimum effect for the user – these are the demands we have made on ourselves and on every sycoma product since 1995. With its corporate headquarters in the Rhine-Neckar technology region, sycoma is now a leader in the development and production of adhesives, sealing membranes, technical fleeces and primers for a wide range of applications.