Mobilfunkanlagen: Schäden am Erbgut bei langjährigen Anwohnern

Es ist eine bemerkenswerte jahrelange Gemeinschaftsleistung, die nicht zuletzt dank bürgerlicher Spendenpraxis gelang: Das Forschungsprojekt ATHEM-3 der Kompetenzinitiative e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit Forscherteams aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Slowakei fand heraus, dass Dauerstrahlung von Mobilfunksendeanlagen zu genetischen Veränderungen bei Anwohnern führt. Damit zeigt sich, dass die in vielen Labor-, Tier- und Humanstudien [...]

ATHEM-3: Health risk indicators in relation to mobile phone base stations

It is a remarkable community effort over many years, which was achieved not least thanks to civic donations: The international interdisciplinary research project ATHEM-3 has been completed and is already receiving initial feedback from experts. From the introduction ATHEM-3 The observed levels of significance do not show any acute health impairment, but provide evidence of [...]

ATHEM-3: Health risk indicators in relation to mobile phone base stations

It is a remarkable community effort over many years, which was achieved not least thanks to civic donations: The international interdisciplinary research project ATHEM-3 has been completed and is already receiving initial feedback from experts. From the introduction ATHEM-3 The observed levels of significance do not show any acute health impairment, but provide evidence of [...]

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