ATHEM-3: Health risk indicators in relation to mobile phone base stations

It is a remarkable community effort over many years, which was achieved not least thanks to civic donations: The international interdisciplinary research project ATHEM-3 has been completed and is already receiving initial feedback from experts. From the introduction ATHEM-3 The observed levels of significance do not show any acute health impairment, but provide evidence of [...]

Neue europäische Impulse / New European Impulses

Stellungnahme des Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschusses / Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee: "Die gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Auswirkungen des 5G-Ökosystems" / "The societal and ecological impact of the 5G ecosystem". Es sind wegweisende Empfehlungen des Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschusses (EWSA) für die aktuelle 5G-Diskussion, die eine politische Kurskorrektur nahelegen. Landmark recommendations of the [...]

Electromagnetic Fields and Calcium Signaling

New article by Volker Ullrich and Hans-Jürgen Apell: Electromagnetic Fields and Calcium Signaling by the Voltage Dependent Anion Channel. "Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can interact with biological tissues exerting positive as well as negative effects on cell viability, but the underlying sensing and signaling mechanisms are largely unknown." New article by Volker Ullrich [...]

Urteil für die Forschung / A verdict in support of scientific research

Es ist ein aufsehenerregendes Urteil von internationaler Bedeutung: / It is a spectacular verdict of international significance: Seit ihrer Veröffentlichung ist Insidern der Mobilfunk-Debatte bekannt, dass die von Franz Adlkofer koordinierte europäische REFLEX-Studie (2000-2004) zu den bedeutendsten Projekten der Grundlagenforschung zählt. Since its publication, insiders of the cell phone debate have known that the European [...]

PHONEGATE – Die Mission des Dr. Marc Arazi / The mission of Dr Marc Arazi

Mit seiner Initiative PHONEGATE ist Marc Arazi in Frankreich längst kein Unbekannter mehr. Marc Arazi is well known in France for his initiative PHONEGATE. Klaus Scheidsteger schreibt über seine Aktivitäten und sein neues Buch. Klaus Scheidsteger reports on his activities and his new book. PHONEGATE - Die Mission des Dr. Marc Arazi / The mission [...]

Artificial EMG by WLAN-Exposure

New study by Lebrecht von Klitzing in Journal of Biostatistics and Biometric Applications 6/1 (2021): Artificial EMG by WLAN-Exposure. (Abstract:) WLAN (wireless local area network) is used as an important worldwide communication-technique. By this, always there is an electromagnetic field exposure. In contrast to the ICNIRP-safety guidelines, whereby no bioeffect is possible by these low-energetic [...]

ICNIRP-Report: Conflicts of Interest, Corporate Capture and the Push for 5G

This report was commissioned, coordinated and published by two Members of the European Parliament – Michèle Rivasi (Europe Écologie) and Klaus Buchner (Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei), and financed by the Greens/EfA group in the European Parliament. This report deals with an issue of which the importance cannot be overrated: the possible health effects of Radiofrequency Radiation (RfR) [...]

Corona Krise / Crisis: Mut zum mobilfunkpolitischen Kurswechsel – Courage for a change in policies

Ist es in einer solch unübersichtlichen, höchst gefährdeten Situation wirklich angebracht, dass wir uns als Fachinitiative öffentlich äußern? Wir haben lange überlegt und meinen: ja ... / Is it actually appropriate that we as an initiative of experts should make a public statement in such a confusing and highly precarious situation? We thought about this [...]

Einladung / Invitation: Internationale Öffentliche Tagung in Mainz / International Public Symposium in Mainz, Germany

Handys, Smartphones, Tablets … Smart Home … Smart City … Internet der Dinge … Die Digitalisierung unserer Gesellschaft soll mit dem neuen Standard 5G weitgehend über Mobil- und Kommunikationsfunk organisiert werden. Die Strahlenbelastung durch Funktechnologien, ihre Infrastruktur und Anwendungen, wird weiter enorm ansteigen. Cell phones, Smartphones, Tablets … Smart Home … Smart City [...]

International Workshop: Radiofrequency radiation injures trees

On the occasion of a International Workshop, 5.-7. November 2019, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam presented new information relating to a young study about tree damages (Waldmann-Selsam, Balmori-de la Puente, Breunig, Balmori). (Excerpt:) Between 2016 and 2019 the observation and photographic recording of several trees out of the study had been continued. The damages beginning [...]

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