To Understand Adverse Health Effects of Artificial Electromagnetic Fields

In a dedicated new essay – In: Essays on Consciousness – Towards a New Paradigm (ed. I. Fredriksson), Balboa Press, Bloomington, IN, USA, 2018 – Olle Johansson explains challenges „to understand adverse health effects of artificial Electromagnetic Fields“. The author asks urgently for the causes of a lack of awareness in society: „is ‚rocket science‘ needed [...]

O. Johansson’s visit to EESC Meeting „Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity“, Brussels Nov 4, 2014

Olle Johansson (associate professor The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm) reports from his visit to a EESC meeting „Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity“, Brussels Nov 4, 2014. Some statements: To me it is very clear that the EHS community worldwide now must act in unison, this is definitely a golden opportunity for change […] [...]

O. Johansson: Statements zum EESC-Meeting, Thema EHS, Brüssel, 4. Nov 2014

Olle Johansson, Professor am Karolinska-Institut Stockholm, besuchte die Anhörung des Europäischen Wirtschafts- und  Sozialkomitees (European Economic and Social Committee) zum Thema Elektrosensibilität am 4. November 2014 in Brüssel. Dort stellte er Elektrosensibilität als funktionelle Behinderung dar,  die unter  der heutigen verbreiteten Belastung mit elektromagnetischen Feldern stark zugenommen hat. Einige Statements aus seinem Report: [...]

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